Jumpstart Your Business' Growth With

Empire Elite is our exclusive mastermind for successful business owners and entrepreneurs looking to create freedom, generational wealth, and impact.

Get Free Access To "The 5 Reasons Why Your Business Will Never Get To 8 Figures"

There are a lot of business owners struggling with slow growth. The truth is… it’s much easier than you think to scale fast and build value. This is going to get you super clear on what actually works.

How we build an 'exitable' empire

Expert mentorship

Access experts with the skills and insights to help you scale your business more rapidly than you would on your own.

Private Equity Playbook

Learn the exact strategies that Private Equity firms use to grow the revenue, profits, and value of your business.

Peer Support

Our expansive network of successful business owners is ready to help you achieve massive results.

What Is Empire Elite?

Empire Elite is our exclusive mastermind for successful business owners and entrepreneurs, designed to help you overcome business challenges, gather wisdom and insights, and connect with ambitious, like-minded individuals.

Together, we create better solutions. We’re more creative. We see more opportunities for growth. And we keep you on track towards building life-changing value in your company. 

Is Empire Elite Right For You?

If you are currently generating 6 to 7 figures in annual revenue, if you have proven and scalable offer, and you’re ready for next level conversations to take your business to the next level, then Empire Elite might be the perfect fit for you. 

The fact is, if you want to be free from your business you have to scale your business in such a way that it can operate without relying on you. And in order to build an exitable empire, you have to create massive value. You just need the support to make it happen.  We still have seats available, so apply below to get started. 


Meet the founders

Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, author, speaker, and business growth expert. He has built, bought, and sold 26 businesses with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars. Inspired by helping others create a global impact, Nick empowers business leaders and investors to build high-value businesses. His “Scale Up Your Business” podcast is ranked #1 on iTunes’ and Spotify’s business charts, has more than 150k downloads in over 130 countries.​

Rob Williams sold his first business when he was 21 and has since held senior executive positions with FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies. He is experienced in M&A with involvement in over 30 transactions and has led the integration and scale-up activity in investor-backed portfolio companies. As an active Angel investor, Rob brings his experience and connections to help post-seed organizations through Series A funding to exit.



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Frequently Asked Questions

The big difference with a mastermind like ours is that you get to leverage the experience of many successful business owners all over the world in several different industries. 

So instead of just learning from one-person pretending to know everything, you get the insight, experience and wisdom gained from more than 40 different 7, 8 and 9-figure business owners. 

When you bring a question to the group or one of the calls, you have a high-level trust that we can give you the ultimate answer because we have already solved that problem and can give you some insight from being further down the line.

Yes, the membership is for each business, so if you have a partner or two that are critical in the operation and scaling of the business, they are more than welcome to join on the calls and participate in the program. Annual membership is a single investment for your business, not each person.

The principles we teach apply to any business in the world. Most of our members are in the US, UK, Australia and Canada but these same strategies would certainly work in other markets too.

If your business is currently below seven-figures in revenue, what matters most is your run-rate or how quickly you’re accelerating to that point. If you’re already well on the way, then it’s probably a great fit for you and you’ll learn how to scale even faster. 

However, if your business is only doing $10-20k per month in revenue, then this isn’t the program for you. Your business still needs some growth before it can really take advantage of the strategies shared in our mastermind group.


What Our Clients Are Saying

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